MEFJUS ft DAXTA w. Dossa & Locuzzed, Youphoria, Ragemode
Ottakringer Brauerei

So you want to know more about Mefjus? Wise move. Let’s talk…Based out of Linz, north Austria, Martin Schober is a singular protagonist at the forefront of thisbeguiling game we call drum & bass. He likes hip-hop, skateboarding, schnitzel, Leibniz biscuits andlong walksin the sunset, but he’s most respected for how he traipses across electronic music’swildest terrains with total boundary abandonment… And is regarded as a leading influential new-genfigure in the genre.From his agenda-setting halftimetwist of ‘Sunday Crunk’ to his rolling, emotional collabo cameo onCamo & Krooked’s acclaimed album ‘Mosaik’. Fromhis entrance into the Fabriclive mix hall of famewith a mix album comprising entirely of his own productions (‘Fabriclive 95’)to his Drum&BassArenaAward-winning debut album ‘Emulation’, Mefjus’s signature sound has been felt across the furthestexpanses of the genresince he emerged in the early 2010s.Now working closely with Vision-the label run by kindred studio spirits Noisia-Mefjus continues tofine-tune his musical syntax, technical dexterity, eye for detail and deft groove sensibilities. Thelatest chapter to savour this on-going flux of development is his second album ‘Manifest’.Released April 2018,‘Manifest’ is the sound ofMefjus 2.0. After several yearsin the studiowilderness,exploring the dark science of song structure, musicality andtextural contrasts,‘Manifest’captures a new mindset forMefjus. Raw, energetic, playful and subversive, ‘Manifest’ is the mostpersonal,diverse and daring body of work to date. Not so much as reminder of why he occupiessuch a unique position in drum & bass but astraight-upstatement of intent.So now you know. And knowledge is power. Thanks for reading.

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