Ottakringer Brauereigebäude und Darreturm


For more than 180 years, the Ottakringer brewery – situated in the heart of Vienna – provides Austria with refreshingly different beers. Excellent and unique beers, complying with the highest quality standards, and creative new products distinguish our private brewery from others in Austria.

The Ottakringer brewery does not only stand for the highest quality but also represents the urban lifestyle like nobody else: we are a modern and open-minded company right in the heart of Ottakring.

You can enjoy our excellent beers all over the world. For example, we export Ottakringer’s taste to Sweden, Italy, the US and South Korea.

Mann und Frau trinken Ottakringer Wiener Original

Our master brewer’s creation makes beer lovers’ hearts leap for joy. This historic beer composition made from Viennese malt and melanoidin malt as well as fine Saaz hops captivates you with its eye-catching amber- coloured reflexes.

Smell and taste reveal a fine nutty note turning into an elegant malt aroma. This highly drinkable creation goes extremely well with traditional Viennese cuisine and is based on a recipe of the Ottakringer brewery dating back for more than 100 years.

La vera Vienna! Ritenuto il più antico birrificio di Vienna, da 180 anni Ottakringer continua a far parlare di se per la qualità e l’eccezionale varietà di sapori delle sue birre, come testimoniano i numerosi riconoscimenti che ogni anno ottiene nelle diverse competizioni europee e non solo.Considerato tutt’oggi un punto di riferimento importante per la città e meta di numerosi visitatori.

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